
Sunday, October 11, 2009

New study to look at what laid-off UK journalists do next

We've all seen the grim headlines.

These are bruising times for the newspaper industry in the UK and elsewhere. And, as cash-strapped companies scramble to drive down expenses while they scurry to find ways news revenue streams to make-up for the loss in advertising and tumbling circulations, hundreds of journalists' jobs have been lost in the fray.

Are you one of the journalists who has been laid off? Or did you leap when redundancy packages were being offered?

If so, please take a few minutes to help out researchers from the University of Central Lancashire who are working with the team at to survey UK newspaper journalists who have been laid off, or who leapt.

We want to know how about your experiences of being laid off and how you have adapted in your personal and professional life since leaving the newspaper. We're also considering the gap in knowledge and experience you have left behind.

The survey, which draws on work by colleagues in the US, is voluntary and confidential. Results cannot be attributed to a specific individual unless the individual chooses to reveal himself or herself. You also can refuse to answer any question. The survey will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

If you would like to take part in the study, please click here .

If you'd like a copy of the survey results, just add your contact details at the end and we'll send the report to you.

Got questions or comments? Please contact me, François Nel, at FPNel @ uclan . ac . uk