
Saturday, December 05, 2009

World Newspaper Future and Change Study 2009 results previewed at #WANindia09

The results of the World Newspaper Future and Change Study 2009 were summarised in a presentation to the 62nd World Newspaper Congress in Hyderabad.

I Tweeted (@francoisnel) a few of key points:

#waninindia09 World Newspaper Future & Change Study: only 1/3 of repondents say corps R prepared 4 changes required 2 survive, thrive

#waninindia09 WNF&C Study: Top priorities 4 training r 'new biz dev/innovation', ads sales, e-biz + management & leadership development

#waninindia09 WNF&C Study: journos & editors still reluctant 2 change. Australasians rate 'em even more resistant than printers & admin

#waninindia09 WNF&C Study: 84% say need 2 maintain or increase media & leadership training, while 1.8% will cut that & 7.3% don't invest

The study, conducted in collaboration with colleages at the World Association of Newspapers & News Publishers and the Norwegian School of Management, will also be reported in an upcoming Shaping of the Future of the Newspaper report. And, of course, the respondents who chose to add their contact details will be receiving a copy.

The next study will be completed in time for the 63rd Congress in Lebanon in June 2010.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

New study to look at what laid-off UK journalists do next

We've all seen the grim headlines.

These are bruising times for the newspaper industry in the UK and elsewhere. And, as cash-strapped companies scramble to drive down expenses while they scurry to find ways news revenue streams to make-up for the loss in advertising and tumbling circulations, hundreds of journalists' jobs have been lost in the fray.

Are you one of the journalists who has been laid off? Or did you leap when redundancy packages were being offered?

If so, please take a few minutes to help out researchers from the University of Central Lancashire who are working with the team at to survey UK newspaper journalists who have been laid off, or who leapt.

We want to know how about your experiences of being laid off and how you have adapted in your personal and professional life since leaving the newspaper. We're also considering the gap in knowledge and experience you have left behind.

The survey, which draws on work by colleagues in the US, is voluntary and confidential. Results cannot be attributed to a specific individual unless the individual chooses to reveal himself or herself. You also can refuse to answer any question. The survey will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

If you would like to take part in the study, please click here .

If you'd like a copy of the survey results, just add your contact details at the end and we'll send the report to you.

Got questions or comments? Please contact me, François Nel, at FPNel @ uclan . ac . uk

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Seminar & Study Visit: Innovation in the Digital Marketplace

Despite what the critics say, there is a great deal of invention going on in most newsrooms.

New technology is enabling new ways of building stories that aim to meet the expectations of an audience that is increasingly, if not yet solely, online.

But while invention is essential if the mainstream media is to survive in an increasingly competitive landscape, it isn’t enough.

As the Pew Research Centre's latest report on the state of American journalism points out:
The news industry does not know -- and has done less than it could to learn -- how to convert this more active online audience into revenue
What is required, then, is innovation which has two parts: (1) the generation of an idea or invention, and (2) the conversion of that invention into a business.

That will be the key focus of the Spring 2009 seminar, Innovation and the Market: Understanding Users, Delivering Value, Growing Revenue.

Lead by Jeanne Hill, an international marketing and adverting expert and Principal Lecturer at the Lancashire Business School, the five-day seminar from 11-15 May 2009 plays out in Preston, Liverpool and Manchester and is offered in collaboration with the Experian market intelligence company Hitwise.

Included in the programme is a study visit and applied workshop in Trinity Mirror’s recently integrated Northwest & North Wales newsroom in Liverpool. Facilitated by the Leaders programme director Francois Nel, participants will work with Hitwise UK Robin Goad and TM executives Alison Gow and Mark Dickinson to test-drive the Newspaper Next 2.0 approach to identifying opportunities that create value for customers – and generate revenue for the organisations.

The value-packed programme also provides a chance to participate in:

For more information on the seminar and to register, see the downloabable flyer and registration form on the Journalism Leaders Programme website or email Francois Nel.

Notes: For feedback on previous previous seminars also see this short video interview with Ken Oxley, deputy editor of the Sunday Sun (Newcastle).
Seminar participation is limited to 15.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Winter Seminar & study visit: Is this the UK's most radically-transformed news operation?

Trinity Mirror, has radically restructured their Birmingham newsroom and now not only integrate the print and digital operations of three newspaper titles – but have also cut the production process from five to three steps.

Neil Benson, Editorial Director for TM's regionals division, spoke to the EditorsWeblog about the initiative and we’ll be taking a closer look - and also visit the newsroom - as part of our Winter seminar, 2-6th February 2009.

For more details and information about enrolling for 'Multimedia Content: making it, managing it, mobilizing it', see our website.

Additions to the great line up of presenters are: Mark Skipworth, Executive Editor of the Daily and Sunday Telegraph in London, Robert Peston, the BBC’s Business Editor, and Eric Ulken, until recently the Online Editor for the LA Times.